Supply and Sales

Fire Suppression Systems
Many fires on board start quickly, often in hidden areas, and can go undetected for some time. A combination of high temperatures, flammable liquids and fast air flow can create an ideal environment for a potential fire to start.
The right fire suppression system installed and regularly serviced can provide continuous protection, preventing the risk of injury and loss of life, and avoiding damage to vital systems and valuable assets.
Gaseous Fire Suppression
Gaseous fire suppression uses inert gases and chemical agents to rapidly extinguish fires through total flooding and local application methods in environments where other extinguishing agents would not be effective or cause damage.
FM200 - Clean Agent
colourless and odourless gas
rapid discharge with 10 second or less extinguishing levels
reduced down time and loss of vital system operations
leaves no residue - no cleanup, minimal damage and lower repair costs
low storage space required - space saving
safe for human occupied areas
no ozone depletion - environmentally friendly
widely accepted replacement for Halon gas
Novec 1230 - Clean Agent
colourless and low odourless gas
extinguishes a fire in seconds
reduced down time and loss of vital system operations
leaves no residue - no cleanup, minimal damage and lower
repair costs -
safe for human occupied areas
no ozone depletion - extremely environmentally friendly
colourless and odourless gas
fast and effective extinguishing
no residue - no cleanup, minimal damage or business interruption
no ozone depletion or environmental impact

Water Mist Systems
Water mist systems use very fine droplets of water to create a mist that converts to steam, covering and smothering
large areas to contain and extinguish a fire.
high and low pressure systems
immediate activation
extinguishes quickly
uses less water used by other conventional sprinklers
minimal water damage - less clean up
environmentally friendly

Foam Systems​
Foam fire suppression systems are a mixture of foam concentrate,
water and air that form a blanket of bubbles to coat the flammable
surface, cool the fire and remove the supply of oxygen to the fuel.
Low and medium expansion
quick releasing to reduce damage
safe for humans when released
suitable for liquid fires in high-risk areas such as machinery
spaces, cargo areas and helicopter platforms

Marine Aerosol Systems​
Marine aerosol systems use microparticles and gaseous matter to interrupt the chemical chain reaction in flames without depleting oxygen, providing extended post-fire security against reignition.
space and weight saving - suitable for small areas
non-pressurised and non-hazardous
non-toxic and non-corrosive
non-ozone depleting, carrying little or no global warming potential
ideal for small, enclosed areas

Wet Chemical Systems​
Wet chemical systems are designed to provide protection against fires
involving cooking oils and grease in galley areas where a fire can quickly
spread into the exhaust air duct via residues on the fat filters where they
can then potentially move to other areas of the vessel.

Dry Chemical Systems​
These systems use nitrogen as a propellant to eject a dry powder from
monitors to extinguish a fire.
Commonly used on deck areas and cargo holds,